Lives and Livelihoods Fund
On September 29th 2016, the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) along with the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD), the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSRelief), and the Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) launched a US$2.5bn Lives and Livelihoods Fund (LLF) with a joint vision to raise the poorest out of poverty in IsDB member countries. As of today, the Lives and Livelihoods Fund’s donors have a net approval of US$1.43bn worth of projects across Africa and Asia. The LLF is the largest development initiative of its kind in the Middle East and serves 33 IsDB member countries, with 37 ongoing operations across 22 Countries.
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